At Axis Chiropractic, the primary method for delivering care to our patients is performed using the Atlas Orthogonal protocol. Atlas Orthogonal is an upper cervical chiropractic technique focusing on the alignment and structural orientation of the upper cervical spine. Although the entire spine is routinely analyzed and adjusted in our clinic, the primary area of focus and care involves the Atlas, the top bone in your neck, and its structural relationship to the bones directly above and below it. These are the axis, or C2, and the base of the skull, the occiput. This region is called the craniocervical junction. Digital x-ray analysis of this area helps us in determining if you have a structural misalignment and it’s potential impact on your neurological function.
In addition to providing upper cervical care for patients, we also offer full spine chiropractic care using the Activator Methods protocol. This chiropractic technique is instrument based and provides gentle, precise correction to the lower segments of the spine that avoids the twisting, popping, and cracking associated with manual manipulation. It is safe and effective for patients young and old.
Feel free to give us a call if you’d like to know more about Atlas Orthogonal and Activator care options at our clinic.